Baltic SEAL partners have traveled far and wide presenting the latest project updates. We welcome all discussions! If you would like to arrange a meeting please contact us.

Previous Events attended by Baltic SEAL

***Regular tracking of this events page stopped March 2021***

ESA Dual-CRYO workshop on “Dual-Band Altimetry of the Cryosphere”, Online, 13th-14th January, 2021

The ESA Dual-CRYO workshop focused on the use and comparison of dual-band or tri-band existing observations (from in situ, airborne, and satellite instruments), and the relevant theory, to utilise dual-band altimetry for the study of the cryosphere, primarily sea ice and land ice. Keynote talks, participant presentations and extensive discussions centred on the following objectives:

  • Review the state of the art in dual-band altimetry of the cryosphere (Ku, Ka, and Laser);
  • Identify the relevant campaign data (in-situ, airborne, and satellite);
  • Discuss and summarise processing techniques, algorithms, and limitations for dual-band altimetry of the cryosphere;
  • Identify gaps in the technical knowledge and observational data, and make recommendations for further studies.

Please see event website for more information. 

Ocean Surface Topography Science Team Meeting (OSTST), Online, 19th-23rd October 2020

For the 2020 OSTST meeting, due to COVID-19, the event went virtual. A series of splinter sessions were organized as forums (one per splinter). However, there were no classical “oral” or “poster presentations. Instead all presentations uploaded and made their insights available to meeting registrants, who were able to post questions throughout the week.

Dedicated splinter sessions covered applications development for operations, a dedicated session on the CFOSAT mission, one on Coastal Altimetry, and another session dedicated to instrument processing in terms of measurement and retracking.

Please see event website for more information. 

12th Coastal Altimetry Workshop, Frascati, Italy, 4-7th February 2020

The workshop was a highlight meeting of the international community of scientists, engineers and managers working on developing applications of altimetry in the coastal zone. The 2020 meeting in Frascati, Italy, featured studies using the latest missions (Sentinel-3A/B, CryoSat-2, HY-2, AltiKa and Jason-3) and the anticipation of synergies with the SWOT mission.

Dedicated sessions covered Sea Level, Dynamic Topography, Currents, Winds and Waves, Sea State, Extreme Events, etc. , exploiting altimetry and other data for both real-time monitoring and long-term change studies. As in previous editions of the Workshop, requirements from the users helped to stimulate the improvement of present and the shaping of future applications, spaceborne and in situ products & models, and consolidate the recurring requirements for a Global Coastal Altimetry Product Standard.

Please see event website for more information. 

13th Irish Earth Observation Symposium (IEOS19) Galway, Ireland, 5th-6th November, 2019

Earth observation in Ireland is growing rapidly growing in both academia and the private sector. The annual Irish Earth Observation Symposium provides an opportunity for those working to meet and present their work, sharing advances and highlighting national and international developments of interest to the community.

Please see event website for more information. 

ESA Advanced Ocean Synergy Training Course, November 4-8, Chania, Greece

As part of the EO Science For Society initiative, ESA organises an Advanced Ocean Synergy Training Course devoted to train the next generation of Earth Observation (EO) scientists in Ocean Remote sensing. In 2019, the challenging course is being hosted by the Technical University of Crete at the Venetian Arsenali building, Chania, Crete (Greece).

These training event is one of the best ways to connect with Europe’s up-and-coming leaders in Ocean Remote Sensing, with ESA-Baltic SEAL scientists facilitating synergy-creating groupwork activities.

Please see event website for more information. 

Ocean Surface Topography Science Team Meeting (OSTST), Chicago, 21-25th October 2019

The 2019 Ocean Surface Topography Meeting took place from 21-25 October 2019 and included a variety of science and technical splinters. These included special splinter on the Future of Altimetry (chaired by the Project Scientists), a splinter on Coastal Altimetry, and a splinter on the recently launched CFOSAT.  In anticipation of the launch of Jason-CS/Sentinel-6A approximately 1 year after this meeting, abstracts that support this upcoming mission were highly encouraged. Please see event website for more information. 

EuroGOOS Baltic Operational Oceanographic System Annual Meeting, Leibniz Institute for Baltic Sea Research, 12-13th June 2019

The scientific workshop covered different topics related to monitoring, modelling, forecasting and service products, not only for operational oceanography but also for climate change adaptation and ecosystem-based management. Contributions on emerging research, e.g. Baltic Earth system, seamless monitoring, modelling and service capacity development, ocean observing integration between operational, environmental and research communities and using machine learning & deep learning in operational oceanography are also encouraged.

Living Planet Symposium, Milan, Italy,

13 – 17th May 2019

The Living Planet Symposium, regularly held every three years, is amongst the biggest Earth observation conferences in the world.

The 2019 edition focused on how Earth Observation contributes to science and society, and how disruptive technologies and actors are changing the traditional Earth Observation landscape, which is also creating new opportunities for public and private sector interactions.